Welcome to the Theo-Koch-Schule
School Policy
The Theo-Koch-Schule defines itself as an inclusive school.
It works as a community in which individuals enjoy studying and working with one another.We offer everyone the chance to develop a high level of maturity
both professionally and socially.Students are expected to show a willingness to learn and work hard
as well as demonstrate an ability to support their fellow students.Together we face any difficulties
and find appropriate solutions.
Facts and figures
State Comprehensive School and years 11 to 13
(„Abitur“ certificate)
Years 5 to 10: approx. 1200 students
Years 11 to 13: approx. 400 students
Teachers: approx. 150Faculty Structure
Headmaster: Mr Jörg Keller
Deputy Head: Mr Andreas Jorde
Head of years 5/6: Ms Corinna Jacob-Schwalb
Head of years 7/8: Mr Rainer Gernoth
Head of years 9/10: Ms Anja Warnecke
Head of years 11-13: Mr Marcel JochimThere are three sub-heads:Ms Katja Rischmann for subject field one: German, foreign languages, arts/music/dramaMr Peter Molzberger for subject field two: politics, history, religious education, ethics, economyMr Marc Almon for subject field three: maths, sciences, data processingMoreover there is a head for every subject that is taught at our school.
Organization of classes and subjects
In year 5, we have classes of mixed ability levels. Besides the normal classes, we also offer lessons for students with special talents in P.E. (with extra P.E. lessons) and classes for students who are interested in learning and practising an instrument during school time such as the trumpet or flute etc. (with extra practise lessons and performances).
In year 6, students study English (first foreign language) and maths according to their learning ability in E (advanced) or G courses (basic level).
In years 7 and 8, we have three ability levels for German, English and maths (advanced, intermediate, slow learners = A-B-C-levels). Social Studies (history, politics and geography), arts, music, P.E. and biology are taught in mixed classes up to and including year 8. In year 7, we recommend French or Latin as a second foreign language to students who attend advanced courses in English and German. Students who don’t learn a second language have a choice of various optional subjects. They choose two courses of two lessons a week for a two-year period. There are additional courses in German, music, arts, data processing, gardening, needlework, cooking, practical science or P.E. The subjects offered differ according to the number of available teachers. All students do practical work in years 7 and 8. They are taught to work with wood, metal, do needlework or cookery. Year 8 is mainly dedicated to the preparation of the first work experience placement, which normally starts after the Easter holidays and lasts for two weeks.
At the end of year 8, we divide the classes into three different levels according to students’ abilities:
‘A’ level classes for students who mostly attend the higher learning levels A or E in order to continue school to pass the ‘A’-Level (Abitur: University Entrance Qualification). For these students, we offer three different kinds of classes:
1st: bilingual classes (social studies are taught in English; P.E. and physics are partially taught in English) or
2nd: science classes (extra science courses are scheduled in) or
3rd: classes with a normal schedule.
In year 9, we recommend Spanish as a second or a third foreign language.
The second group of students, who mostly attend intermediate ability levels (B or G), join ‘B’ classes to pass the ‘Mittlere Reife’ at the end of year 10 (similar to the General Certificate of Secondary Education). In addition to the regular curriculum, we put an emphasis on work experience and career guidance. The third group, i. e. students who mostly attend the lowest learning ability levels (C or G), join ‘C’ classes to leave school at the end of year 9 and mostly start vocational training.
Years 11 to 13
Year 11 has a double function.
In year 11, students get to learn new studying techniques and working methods to help increase their independent work habits. However, it is also a good time for them to gain a bit more perspective with regard to their remaining time at school. As there are many students who come from schools which only teach up to year 10, year 11 eventually has the function of levelling the field so that they all have the same chances of passing their „Abitur“.
In year 11, students have to attend 3 lessons per week in English and a second foreign language (mostly French), 4 lessons in German and maths, 2 lessons in art or music or drama, social studies, history, R.E. or ethics, biology, chemistry, physics, P.E. and extra courses in a third foreign language or in economics or data processing respectively to compensate a subject that might be difficult for them. (So altogether they take at least 34 lessons per week.) Those who have not learnt a second foreign language from year 7 or 9, have to start Spanish because a second foreign language is compulsory for the „Abitur“.
In years 12 and 13 students prepare for their final exams.
Students have to attend courses in most of the subjects that are taught in year 11, but they can drop the extra course. They have to continue German, art or music or drama, the first foreign language (started in year 7 or 9), politics, history, R.E. or ethics, maths, one course in science and P.E. Besides these compulsory subjects, they have to attend a second course in science or in a second foreign language or data processing in year 12. Of course, they can do more if they want.
They choose two major subjects, one of which must be either a foreign language or maths or science. They do 5 lessons per week in these subjects. All other subjects are taught in 2 or 3 lessons per week. In year 13, students are no longer obliged to do art, music or drama and politics.
For more information on the rules of student requirements please contact us.
The „Abitur“
From the beginning of year 12, students begin to collect credit points for their „Abitur“.
The credit points achieved in major subjects amount to 1/3 of the final qualification. The same applies to the results of the courses attended in years 12/13 and to the results of the written and oral exams taken at the end of year 13. Compulsory subjects for the finals are German and maths, as well as a foreign language. Written exams are centralized and held on the same day throughout Hesse.
During years 11 to 13, we put an emphasis on work experience and career guidance in addition to the regular curriculum.
How to find us
Theo-Koch-Schule, Gesamtschule des Landkreises Gießen mit gymnasialer Oberstufe und Ganztagsangebot
Struppiusstr. 8 – 12
D-35305 Grünberg
Germanyphone: +49 6401 9161 0
fax: +49 6401 916161
e-mail: info@theokoch.schule
www.theokoch.schuleDistrict: Gießen
Education Authority: Staatliches Schulamt Gießen und Vogelsbergkreis